Remove RDS CALs from an RDS License Server

29 December 2020 0 By angelusadeuszabulus

If you want to transfer your RDS CALs from one Remote Desktop Connection license server to another, you can remove the installed CAL license pack from the license server using PowerShell.

Using the following cmdlet, you can list all the RDS CAL packages installed on the server:

Find the KeyPackId value for the RDS CAL package that you want to remove and run the following command:

You can also completely remove all CALs by recreating the RDS license database. To do this, stop the Remote Desktop Services licensing service:

Rename the file C:\Windows\System32\lserver\TLSLic.edb to C:\Windows\System32\lserver\TLSLic.edb_old and start the service:

After that, all RDS CALs will be removed and you will need to reactivate them.

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