Author: Rached CHADER

14 December 2020 Off

GPO: Folder Redirection via OneDrive

By Rached CHADER

If you want to redirect My Documents, Pictures, Favorites, Desktop to OneDrive, this article will guide you through setting up the GPO.
Migration of users from one domain to another with data recovery, Data recovery in case of replacement of workstation. A user with several workstations, who wishes to have access to his data without having a roaming profile. Or simply as a user data backup solution.

7 December 2020 Off

GPO: Disable telemetry

By Rached CHADER

Microsoft collects a lot of data about your system through telemetry . And contrary to popular belief, Windows 10 is not the only Microsoft operating system to use this technology: on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, telemetry is also present.

1 September 2020 Off

Powershell install-Module –Name PowerShellGet –Force “NUGET”

By Rached CHADER

COMMENTS: Installation of the NuGet provider.
COMMENTS: Using the Bootstrap Provider for Finding Packages.
COMMENTS: Finding the package ‘Bootstrap :: FindPackage’ ‘NuGet’, ”, ‘’, ” ‘.
WARNING: Unable to download from URI
‘’ in ”.
COMMENTS: Cannot download link ‘’, retrying for ‘2’ more
COMMENTS: Cannot download link ‘’, retrying for ‘1’ more
COMMENTS: Cannot download link ‘’, retrying for ‘0’ more